First of all, I would also like to thank everyone for the wonderful ALT meeting in Canberra, and in particular, the incredible ANU team with Nick Evans as the main spider in the web. Organizing a big conference is a huge challenge, I have been there myself, and I can only congratulate the local organizers on having carried out this task in such an outstanding way! It was such a delight to see your solidarity, hospitality and energy! Separate thanks go to Hedvig Skirgård for her wonderful job in securing a great social media presence for the conference. I guess I am allowed to feel very proud of her as her first university teacher in linguistics -J.
Please do remember that ALT has its journal, Linguistic Typology, and we want it to be as vibrant as the Canberra meeting and as the community on the whole. I am counting on numerous submissions in the wake of this conference – regular papers, discussion papers, reports on and reviews of databases and other resources, language profiles and language family portraits, suggestions for special issues etc. Thought-provoking, provocative, high-quality manuscripts, long, short, whatever. The journal is for the community as readers and writers, and any suggestions on how we can enhance its relevance for the community are more than welcome! Please send them to or
And, as the final word, please read the 21st Anniversary issue of Linguistic Typology “The unabashed typologist: A Frans Plank Schubertiade” found for free here: 10.1515/lingty-2017-1000
Not only is this an outstanding collection of seminal papers by the outgoing editor of the journal, but it is also an important historical document on the history of our field.
A very Merry Christmas to everyone,
Masha (Maria) Koptjevskaja Tamm